Hello – I’m Bonnie

Work with Me

I offer a unique perspective on losing weight during the perimenopause, having regained my midlife mojo and released stubborn extra pounds too.

With my clinical qualifications in hypnotherapy and 30 years as a general and mental health nurse in the NHS, I’m able to offer you a highly personalised and effective method that addresses your individual needs and gets you the results you can boast about. There are a number of ways you can work with me. Interested? Then please keep scrolling…

a clear plan with expert guidance & accountability

You are in the right place

Are you starting to realise that you can’t afford to keep going on like this anymore? I know everyone has an opinion about how to lose weight and keep it off  but you want to finally solve it and start to  enjoy life. 

Like many women I speak to in midlife you are struggling with the stress of juggling everything and  need someone in your court.

I specialise in helping women in peri/menopuase who are feeling stressed and use food to deal with emotions. I can work with you in my online  Group Programme  – The S.P. A. R. K. Solution or Privately.

My Signature Programme

My unique weight loss programme exclusively designed for peri/menopausal women who struggle with weight gain and use food as a stress reliever

Private Weight Loss Sessions

If you prefer a totally private approach, I offer individuals sessions online and in person at my clinic near Canterbury. This is the only way that I work for men.

Free Guide

This guide outlines the important steps you can take to release stubborn weight and I give you 10 easy actions, that you can start doing today.

My free guide is right out of my toolkit for helping women going through the perimenopause, address food body and weight issues in midlife.


What my clients say

“I feel so much calmer and guess what, I’ve lost 10 pounds”


Weight Loss Client Kent

Your first appointment is on me

Book a free consultation