Nice to meet you

Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to my FAQ page, where I answer common questions and concerns about my hypnotherapy and coaching  services tailored for perimenopausal women struggling with anxiety and weight management.

I understand that embarking on a journey towards holistic well-being can raise many inquiries and I’m here to provide clarity and reassurance every step of the way.

Below, you’ll find answers to frequently asked questions about my approach, process, and the transformative benefits of hypnotherapy in addressing the unique challenges faced by perimenopausal women who experience anxiety and use food as a stress reliever.

If you don’t find the answer you’re looking for, please don’t hesitate to reach out and ask me anything

Bonnie 😀



How safe is hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a safe, natural and normal state  of mind where the body experiences a state of physical relaxation while the mind remains clear alert and focused.

You been in a trance many times before but you were probably unaware of it. For example you have arrived home with no recollection of the journey.

During this trance state the brain is busy making connections and your mind becomes more open to the postive suggestions that you want e.g. to improve your eating habits for the better.


 What does hypnosis feel like?

 Most people absolutely love it! I often hear it described as being like a massage for the mind – that’s because it’s so relaxing and enjoyable.

You always have complete control. I can’t make you do anything that you don’t want to .

My clients tell me how great they feel and they look forward to this part of the session.

General questions

What happens in the group coaching sessions?

By being solution focused we note what is going well. This is likely to be both in your life and in relation to your health goals, if that is what comes up for you.

We focus on the positive becuase I want you to be accessing the problem solving part of your brain.

Focusing on where you are going, rather than what you want to escape from, helps you to move forward faster becuase for one thing, you don’t waste time crying into your tea!

Group exercises will be done in a way that maximises your privacy as far as possible but of course you will be in a group, so sharing experiences is part of the process.

At the end of the talking part of the session, you will have given yourself your next actionable step towards success.

Each session will end with a relaxing trance which will help your brain to process what we talked about whilst you just sit back and relax!

How will I benefit from a group model?

If you are wondering whether a group programme is right for you, let me explain the benefits:

1. You will learn by hearing a bit about others members experiences – perhaps answering questions that you hadn’t even thought to ask. This can  accelerate your progress even more. 

2. You will have access to more training video,resources and templates.. because I will have more to create everything you need to have huge success quickly. I no longer spend 8-10 hours in a clinic – my hybrid programme means that I can serve all the clients that I take on more deeply.

3.  You won’t lose momentum or get stuck because you have got a community for support and perhaps some friendly competition if you are motivated that way. You will be inspired by the results that you see others in the programme achieving ahead  of you. You will see what’s possible for you too!

4. You benefit from the feedback,ideas, insights and other perspectives from a tribe of like-minded people going through the same situation.

5. You will have access to a hugely valuable knowledge hub of diverse skills and abilities. Others in the group may be able to help you with things that feel tricky right now but they are willing to share their tips and tricks to help you reach your goals.

6. A hybrid programme means that you will have regular and quicker touch points with me.  The group calls are scheduled twice a week and if you want to you can attend both calls. You also have access via the Facebook group so you are never alone.

7. You can gain reassurance that you are not on this journey alone because you have others in your world who you can relate to and who can empathise with you.

8. You will be able to share your knowledge and give back to group

9. You will form new friendships and connections.

10. You’ll undergo a holistic experience which becomes a life long process which most importantly you won’t be going on it alone.

Would I be better going to private one to one hypotherapy?

If you don’t like group sessions then you may well prefer to meet one to one. Here are some of the reasons why one to one may suit you better.

1. It’s a very personalised approach allowing for your individual needs, preferences, and goals, which may not be feasible in a group setting.

2. We focus on  totally on you. You receive my undivided attention ensuring deeper exploration of personal barriers, motivations, and progress tracking.

3. You may feel more comfortable discussing personal issues in a private setting, fostering trust and openness crucial for effective progress.

4. I can refine the hypnosis specifically targeting your unique challenges and triggers enhancing the effectiveness of the sessions.

5. One-to-one sessions offer greater flexibility in scheduling, accommodating your  busy lifestyle and ensuring sessions fit seamlessly with your routine.

6.  Private sessions provide a safe space for you  to delve into deeper emotional issues contributing to weight struggles, facilitating profound healing and transformation.

7.  You receive dedicated support between sessions, allowing for ongoing guidance, accountability, and adjustments to ensure steady progress.

8.  Individual sessions eliminate potential distractions and social pressures often present in group settings, enabling you to focus solely on your personal journey.

9. You may feel more comfortable and trusting in a one-to-one setting, leading to better rapport between us and ultimately, more significant results.

10. I can give you feedback and tips that are tailored just for you, right on the spot.

This means you get practical advice that fits your unique needs, making every session extremely effective and helping you reach your weight loss goals successfully.

How do I get started?

 I like to meet everyone for a free health chat so we can discuss what is right for you. There’s no pressure to sign up – so you don’t have to worry about being sold  anything that you don’t want or need! 

Although I do give bonuses to reward fast action so it’s definitely worth signing up within 24 hours of you our call

Admin questions

What happens when I sign up?

You will receive access to your online course once you have paid in full or the first installment of your payment plan has been received. You will be asked to a create a password and then you can start online course straight away. 

If you haven’t already booked your first one to one appointment with me, you will find the link inside the course.

The times of the S.P.A.R.K. group sessions will be available to you and you can start attending those as soon as you have had your first one to one appointment.

You can attend as many sessions as you like during the 4 months. The 4 months commences  24 hours after the first payment is received so make sure that you book your first appointment straight away.

Are sessions recorded?

No I do not record sessions because I feel the sessions should remain private to the people who attended.

Therefore, It is important to attend group sessions because you won’t be able to catch up by watching a recording of it. Apart from that it’s the live element of the session that will have the most impact for you.

I am a private client - what happens if I miss a session?

There is much more flexibility for private clients because you can reschedule  your appointment if something comes up. I do request 24 hours notice though in order to avoid you being charged for the missed appointment. 

More questions

Do I need to download any software and be technically minded to access the material?

,No everything is made as easy as possible.  You can pay online at the click of a button and then it’s simple to access my learning portal and off you go. You can access the learning portal on your computer laptop,tablet or smartphone so you can learn on the go and have your coach in your pocket.

Live sessions take place on Zoom and you just need to click the link. Although you do need to download the Zoom App in order to use a phone or tablet for Zoom Calls.

Who are your programmes not suitable for?

My programmes may not be the best fit for individuals seeking a quick-fix solution or those unwilling to commit to making sustainable lifestyle changes.

If you’re not ready to invest time and effort into understanding your body, embracing healthy habits, and prioritising your well-being, my programmes may not align with your goals.

Additionally, if you’re looking for a one-size-fits-all approach without personalised support or if you have underlying medical conditions that require specialized care, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any weight loss programme.

Remember, the key to success is finding a program that resonates with you and supports your long-term health and happiness.

Can you really promise that I'll hit my weight loss goals?

I wish I could wave a magic wand and guarantee it, but the truth is, we’re all different. What I can promise though is that I’ll be there every step of the way, cheering you on, sharing my expertise, and helping you find what works best for you. It’s not just about the numbers on the scales—it’s about feeling amazing in your own skin. I can’t wait for you to get started.

What makes you different from other weight loss coaches?

I’ve been through the ups and downs of perimenopause myself and have over 35 years of nursing experience under my belt, covering both general and mental health.

I’ve dived deep into nutrition and weight loss coaching, especially for women in menopause, and I’ve got the gold standard Hypnotherapy qualification in the UK to boot.

So when I work with clients, it’s not just about shedding pounds—it’s about understanding your body, your mind, and your journey to wellness from every angle.

So, if you’re ready to embark on a transformative journey towards a healthier, happier you, join me and let’s make your weight loss goals a reality together!


What my clients say

 It’s definitely working .. slow but sure..


Online Client

I look forward to seeing you soon

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